Sunday, October 7, 2012

Matahari Fashion Award

Since this one concerns a local competition I'm entering, I'll post in Bahasa... for the first time! (I'll translate as well!)

Jadi kisahnya kali ini saya mengikuti kompetisi fashion blogger dari Jakarta Fashion Week yang disponsori oleh Matahari Deptartment Store, dan tentunya saya berminat (saaaangat) untuk mengikuti dan memenangkannya.
So this time I'm entering a fashion blogger competition from Jakarta Fashion Week sponsored by Matahari Department Store, and of course I'm anxious (veeeery) to take part and win.

Tidak ada tema khusus untuk loma ini, jadi saya memutuskan untuk mengambil tema yang paling saya cintai, yaitu unique fun dan cool casual. Kami diperbolehkan untuk membuat 3 kreasi style maksimal, dan saya memutuskan untuk membuat 2 kreasi, karena toh memang ada dua tema yang ingin saya kreasikan.
There's no particular theme for this competition, so I decided to take on the theme dearest to me... which is unique fun and cool casual. We're allowed to post 3 styles maximum, so I decide to create 2... well since there are two themes I want to do anyway...

Style #1 - Unique fun! Yay!

Top- inner : Nevada
Top - outer : Seventeen
Shorts: Connexion
Shoes: Nevada
Bag : warisan ibunda tercinta (my mom's legacy)
Socks unbranded


side cut

Bagi mereka yang mungkin mempertanyakan betapa canggungnya sesi foto ini... jawabannya... ya, sangat canggung, SANGAT. Saya yakin level apresiasi saya kepada para blogger, model, dan fotografer telah meningkat drastis, mungkin yang sebelumnya hanya level 6, sekarang mungkin naik menjadi 9,5; level 10 tetap hanya diperuntukkan bagi pemerintah yang tidak korupsi (yang saya yakin hanya mitos).
For those who wonder how awkward the photoshoot was... the answer is... yes, it was awkward, VERY. I'm pretty sure my level of appreciation for bloggers, models, and photographers has increased dramatically, perhaps from level 6 to 9.5 ; level 10 is solely for clean, uncorrupted goverment (which I know is a myth).

Style #2 - Cool Casual

Top - inner : Nevada 
Top - outer : Details
Jeans : Nevada Stylee
Shoes : Nevada
Bag : warisan kakak tercinta (my sister's legacy)

purple leopard flats

Foto close-up sepatu Nevada. Flats ungu dengan leopard print, solid tapi tetap dengan sentuhan feminine. So chic...
Close up shoot of the Nevada shoes. Purple flats with leopard print, solid but still hold the feminine touch. So chic...

Yah begitulah, saya sudah bicara tentang bagaimana canggungnya sesi ini bukan? Ucapan terima kasih terbesar bagi Agnes Tangka, teman yang setia membantu walaupun mood saya lebih labil daripada gadis yang baru pubertas, Dian Situmorang selaku fotografer baik hati, dan Juli Purwantoro yang membantu dengan ide kreatif dan lokasi. 
Well that's about it, I've mentioned how awkward the session was, right? My biggest gratitude goes for Agnes Tangka, a really great friend who helps in all situation, even though my mood swing is worse than a girl entering puberty, Dian Situmorang for being a very kind photographer, and Juli Purwantoro, for providing help with creative ideas and location.

-The Dilly Chic-

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At October 8, 2012 at 4:21 AM , Anonymous Hafidz Arif said...

I really like the casual wear Nad. Not overly casual outfit yet still looking fresh and stylish without sacrificing your comfort.

At October 10, 2012 at 3:10 AM , Blogger The Dilly Chic said...

Thank you so much! :D

At October 14, 2012 at 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice outfits :) I liked your level 10 comment too :)


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